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Rasha Elwakil

Candidate Biography
Ever since I set foot on campus as a freshman, I’ve been captivated by the vibrant community at Penn State. Yet, amidst all the incredible experiences and opportunities our university offers, I’ve come to realize that there are crucial changes needed to ensure inclusivity and sustainability for all. As the Chair for Justice and Equity for the 18th assembly, I’ve witnessed firsthand the gaps in knowledge and action regarding diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB). This year, I’ve made it my mission to broaden the scope of DEIB efforts, pushing barriers and fostering collaborations that go beyond the conventional understanding of these issues.

The committee of Justice and Equity has achieved remarkable milestones, such as organizing an environmental justice collaboration with NAACP, all the caucuses, and the Student Sustainability Network. Additionally, we’ve hosted Women’s Empowerment Week and collaborated with WorkLink.

For the 19th Assembly, here are some ideas that I have produced after conversations with fellow Penn Staters to better student life:

In terms of sustainability, I’m determined to promote eco-friendly practices within our campus community. From advocating for automatic sinks and lights in the new residence hall renovations to fostering partnerships with organizations like the Food Recovery Network to combat food wastage, I want the UPUA to take tangible steps towards a greener, more sustainable future for Penn State.

When it comes to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging, my focus lies in amplifying the voices of all inherent identity groups. I’ve worked continuously to ensure representation within the UPUA, advocating for legislative seats for these groups to guarantee that every voice is heard and valued on our campus. I want to continue that, by promoting more inherent identity group seats, and expand the offices that UPUA works with, such as the Office for Adult Learners and the Office for Social Change and Belonging.

Accessibility is another area where we must strive for improvement. By initiating conversations with administrators, faculty, and students, I aim to establish an accessibility task force dedicated to addressing intellectual and physical accessibility at University Park.

But above all, I want every student to know that their concerns matter. Whether you have questions, comments, or ideas for improvement, I’m here to listen and advocate on your behalf. Together, let’s create an inclusive, sustainable, and accessible campus where every student can thrive.

Join me in shaping the future of Penn State. Your voice, your ideas, they do make a difference in the campus culture and community. Together, let’s make our university experience the best it can be.

Candidate Engagements
UPUA- Chair of Justice and Equity, PRCC Liaison, and Department of Environmental Sustainability Liaison, Earth and Mineral Sciences Sustainability Committee, Racial Justice Policy and Advocacy Group, Student Sustainability Advisory Council, Lion Ambassadors, Delta Phi Epsilon Sorority, Junior Panhellenic Council, Presidential Leadership Academy, Millennium Scholars Program